Ukraine, the EU has unanimously

In a context such as the war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU has unanimously rejected the use of force to change the borders or the territorial integrity of that country. The invasion threatens the rules-based international order and the principles of the UN Charter, as well as the security order in the European continent. Respect for the bor

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aspirations regarding the definitive

Internationally, therefore, ‘listening to’ or ‘consulting’ the population of Gibraltar about its interests and aspirations regarding the definitive solution reached by the UK and Spain is mandatory. Internally, meanwhile, Gibraltar has its particular democratic system as an overseas territory, not incorporated into the British State. As far

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covering the Straits of Gibraltar

The negative perception induced by migration problems may be tackled using various approaches: first, by involving Morocco in the management and monitoring of the migratory flows, which should form part not only of a constant EU migration policy towards Morocco but also a specific Spanish policy regarding Morocco, part of a general geostrategy cove

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the main Spanish sovereignty

In short, anchoring the main Spanish sovereignty entitlement to the end of the mediaeval period and to the historical origins of the State enables a degree of distancing from the later period of European colonisations in subsequent centuries, something that mirrors the juridical-political reality of the cities; and it accounts for the fact that, fo

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positive perception from Spain

Meanwhile, the cities stand in need of a rejuvenated and positive perception from Spain and Europe, promoting their unique values in the Euro-Mediterranean context. Insofar as the territorial claim is concerned, of course, the underlying positions are not going to change. Morocco is going to celebrate 70 years of independence, steadfastly retaining

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